2020: An Invitation to Boldly Go Where You Have Not Gone Before!

Each day in my office I’m honored to have a front row seat to the challenges of what it means to be human. For so many of my clients, 2016 delivered those challenges in spades.
This only confirms to me that the pace of human evolution has intensified. There was a commonality in the themes expressed by the clients who came to me in 2016. What got them to my office was expressed in deep longings such as:

“ I must leave this job.”

” I need to find what I’m really here to do.”

“ I can’t be in this relationship anymore.”

“ I can’t be in this body any more.” (It felt like so many people left the body this year.)

“ I can’t be in this gender any more.”

“ I can’t keep my mouth shut any more.”

The myriad ways this,  “I can’t” was voiced tells me;  somebody deep inside us is waking up, coming alive. This somebody who has previously felt stopped, held back, repressed, is now insisting to step forward and be heard.

It is getting louder by the day, and in spite of our fears about the life changes this will bring, it will not be silenced. It will not be coerced by all the clever ways we dismiss it’s urgings.

However you may still respond to these urgings with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. This apathy or disinterest originates early on in life when we weren’t held or supported in the way we needed.

Not feeling supported in childhood shows up in adulthood in a different way. We become isolating and overly self-sufficient, trying to convince ourselves:  “I’ll do it on my own.” – and another year goes by.

The truth is we really do need support, encouragement and guidance to evolve into the future we want and deserve.

My offer: Boldly Go Where You Have Not Gone Before Sessions

The purpose of these Sessions is to move you into your future efficiently and directly, feeling stronger and clearer than ever before.

Every January gives us the opportunity to do just that, but simply wanting to create change for ourselves in the New Year is one thing. The hard part is when you come face to face with what you’re up against inside. This cannot be accomplished in just one session.

To boldly go where you have not gone before means that in spite of feeling afraid, squeezed tight, and inconvenienced by the need to evolve, you know in your heart of hearts, it is time to shift gears because you can not continue in the same old way

To boldly go where you have not gone means that you will clearly state your Intention of what you will bring forth for yourself in 2017.

To boldly go where you have not gone means that you face all those ways you have been shooting yourself in the foot.

To boldly go where you have not gone means that you will find out where you learned to do that to survive and lovingly Release it!

To boldly go where you have not gone means that you make a commitment to yourself for 10 sessions to get the ball rolling.

To boldly go where you have not gone means that you put this all together and EVOLVE, because you promised you would and the world needs you now more than ever!.

The Details:

10 session package $1400 paid in full.

We meet once a week for 10 weeks. (In- Person, Phone or Skype)

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The Delicious Challenge of Being Human