Cock-a-doodle-do: The Rooster’s Wake Up Call

Today we transition from the Year of the Monkey, to the Year of the Rooster. You may be experiencing the last lash of the monkey’s tail as it departs 2016. The monkey, the merry prankster left many of us with the feeling of being punked personally and globally.

Entering the new year we take an inhale.  “Will the Monkey take a few last swipes?” We wonder what influences will the Rooster bring.

The Rooster wakes up at the crack of dawn, with the responsibility to wake us up. Whether you’re the person with the coffee all set in the coffee maker, or the reluctant sleeper poised to tap the alarm for five more minutes, the Rooster remains true to waking us up. It doesn’t matter to the Rooster who is in agreement with him that it’s time to wak
e up.

It seems to me more than significant that 1969 was a Rooster Year. 1969 is forever etched in our hearts and minds. From “Selma to Stonewall,”  from The Sorbonne to Kent State, there was an awakening on the planet that was palpable. In this current climate of activism, it feels in my blood and bones, like an old friend whispering
in my ear, “You’re not done, there’s more work to do.”

When I awake in the morning and transition from slumber to wakefulness, I have to take a moment to remember where I am, remember who I am. It seems to me that 2017 is giving us the opportunity to remember who we are on a deep
er level, and as I said last month…to boldly go where you have not gone before. This is the invitation from 2017.

The hard and often times exhausting task of cleaning house prevails personally and globally. Mr. T is not the first nefarious character to ignite such a task!

Often I have these moments with my husband where all I have to do is look in his eyes and my truth is mirrored back at me. A simple instance where I look over at him at some event, to just confirm, “Did you just see what I just saw?” I look around the room and it is as if no one else saw what saw. Or a moment where I am feeling the depth of knowing I know something, a deeper truth, and without saying a word, through this telepathic thing we have, my truth is mirrored back. Yes I know what I know.

I have also had those moments when I feel like I am the only person in the room seeing something, knowing something that no one else sees, knows, acknowledges. That can be more scary. But now that we are living in a world of ‘alternative facts’ our need to trust what we know is at a premium. When you see elected officials morally capitulating on such a grand scale, owning what we know, is at a premium.

I was recently reminded by the wise man Elias Lonsdale, about a deep secret that most of us go to our death with or at best, realize the moment of death. The secret has to do with the fact that we see so much more than we feel safe acknowledging. It’s not safe to acknowledge what we are seeing on any kind of regular basis. People know stuff that they have no business knowing because when we acknowledge on a more regular basis, everything shifts rapidly. And what we are most afraid of, suspicious of, is —rapid change. It can’t be controlled.
It was a relief for me to hear Elias speak those words in his recent teleseminar. I’ve always been the kind of person who saw things no one else was seeing. Call it a blessing or a curse, but I was more afraid NOT to see. The challenge for me was that I lived in a family that aligned with alternative facts, way before the phrase was coined. “Mom’s not drunk, she’s happy.” “This beating is for your own good.”

What was a difficult situation for me to be in as a child, is what makes me good at what I do as an adult.

As the Year of the Monkey was winding down and the Year of the Rooster winding up, in spite of the astral static, simultaneously I felt a portal open to a kind of memory stream that I could access quite readily. You may be experiencing this yourself. How this showed up for me, and see if you relate; several times throughout the day a memory would pop into my mind and kind of linger there. Often my first reaction would be, “Why am I thinking about that?” “It seems so long ago.” “What’s that got to do with anything.”

Slowly I began to realize I was being shown specific memories where abhorrent, limiting, unkind thoughts and feelings, lies even about who I am, got embedded inside of me. Given that I am well-versed in the world of memory through The Releasing Process, I simply began to sit with the memory and quietly said, “Show me.” I would sit and track it, where it was embedded in my cell tissue, thought forms, consciousness, decisions, posture – and then Release it!

Each day I felt lighter (I even lost 5 pounds) and lighter. I was doing the necessary soul surgery to eliminate any negative bias I was holding toward myself. (Still an on-going process)

So in closing, if you are reminded of places in you that are holding negative bias toward yourself, or are being love tapped by some memories wanting your attention,  then perhaps it’s time for some Releasing Sessions. In the meantime here’s a few Releasing Statements to get you started.

I release my fear of seeing too much on a regular basis.
I release all the clever ways I block myself from seeing what I see, knowing what I know.
I release my fear that if I allow myself to see, things will change too rapidly and my life will be out of control like it was ________________ (see what memory shows up)
That was then and this is now and it’s safe for me to see, resting in the trust, that if things change too fast, I CAN catch up!

Much Love

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