Happy New Year

Happy New Year!Happy New Year

“We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. For some strange reason I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.”
-Martin Luther King

As we stand on the threshold of 2014 we are filled with gratitude for the ways we have been tied together this year.

The Year of the Snake offered us many challenges. 2013 was jam packed with every kind of test and initiation the Snake could dream up as it encouraged us to shed the skins that no longer served us. Whether your skin had been hardened by life’s challenges, or you found yourself wearing a skin you thought you needed in order to be loved, or you had simply outgrown your skin, 2013 was the year for shedding!

The Mystery School, now entering it’s 21st year continues to gain fluency in the evolutionary journey. Each month there has been a profound inquiry to embrace one’s humanity as we move into our Divinity.

Reports from the Field continually recount how through the power of Releasing a deep wholeness is taking root. I am forever touched by what happens in a session, whether in person, phone or skype.

We cried, we laughed, we Released as each one of you emerged as the glistening diamond that was buried in the rough.

So tonight at midnight we will raise a glass and toast everyone of you with deep gratitude for this garment we weave together.

It is an honor to be on this journey with you. We thank you for all the ways you have helped us evolve this past year.

For every time you remained open, instead of contracting, you helped us expand.
For every time you looked straight into it, you helped us direct our attention to what we would rather avoid. It was liberating.
For every time you aligned your mind with your heart, you helped us be congruent.
For every time you owned a piece of your Mastery, our victim got quiet.
For every time you said: I RELEASE! …We RELEASED!

We love being on this evolutionary journey with you and look forward to what we will weave together in 2014. January 31st initiates the Year of the Horse. We are so grateful for this transformational tool of Releasing that was given to us in 1989 to assist us in this thrilling ride.

May 2014 ignite each and every one of you into the miracle that you are. Giddy -up!

Happy New Year!
With Love

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