Navigating the Delicious Challenge
of Being Human

“When we are young, it’s the illusion of perfection that we fall in love with. As we age, it’s the humanness that we fall in love with- the poignant stories of overcoming, the depthful vulnerability of aging, the struggles that grew us in karmic stature, the way a soul shaped itself to accommodate its circumstances. With less energy to hold up our armor, we are revealed and, in the revealing, we call out to each other’s hearts. Where before wounds turned us off, they are now revealed as proof that God exists. Where we once saw imperfect scars, we now see evidence of a life fully lived.”

There is no escaping it – a large part of the human experience is being challenged and each challenge contributes to the richness and fullness of our life. However, with each painful incident or drama, we are always faced with two choices. We can remain focused on the suffering we feel from the situation, or some how find a way to embrace it as yet another delicious challenge of being human.

This course is designed to take you out of your old patterns of pain from your past – and insistence on perfection – and move you into a new, fresh perspective from which you can actually embrace and navigate the delicious challenge of being human.

Each module builds on itself to move you from your Wounded and Adaptive Self into your Authentic Functional Adult that lives out of the here and now.

Details: To Be Announced, 2024
6 –  90 minute weekly Zoom Meetings
Each meeting will be in 2 parts:
A deep dive lecture into each topic
Followed by one-on-one Releasing with Voge (for those who have worked with Voge in group sessions, you know the powerful experience of Release one – Release all!)

6 Private Releasing Sessions with Voge

Cost: $2200

BONUS: Free access to Voge’s online course I Release! – The Course A $495 value
Refer a friend: Have you ever felt that a friend might benefit from working with Voge? With an Affiliate link, you will receive a $200 bonus for each person you sign up!

The 6 Modules

Trauma and its Adaptations

We all go through life experiencing different degrees of trauma. We can even have trauma without knowing it. The good news is that we can identify this hidden trauma when we recognize all the ways we’ve adapted to it’s influence. Protecting ourselves to feel safe is another way we cover up old trauma. The challenge comes when an incident in the present, time- travels us into the vicinity of that past trauma without us recognizing it. This module will bring you into a deeper understanding of yourself and ways you have attempted to alchemize trauma through your adaptations.

The Neurobiology of Being Triggered – Bring Me Your Triggers
One cannot feel more human than when immersed in the delicious challenge of being triggered. It was valuable for me to understand how my brain worked when it felt or recognized it was under the sway of past trauma. Having the knowledge of what happens in the brain when we are triggered helps us to be more fully in the present as a functional adult.

Parts Work – Meeting Our Wounded Child, Our Adaptive Child and Our Functional Adult
 Through understanding the role of the different aspects of our inner self and how they function in our day-to-day life, you will have a visceral experience of who is trying to be in the drivers seat, who wants to run the show and who wants to just hide under the bed when challenges arise. Going through this process you move carefully from protection into your authentic, functional adult .

Who We Are Energetically – Understanding Ourselves Psychologically Through the Chakras
Most of us have little understanding of our Chakras and how they are an indicator of the ways we are impacted as we move through our world. This module is a deep dive into our energetic self, so that we understand ourselves through the task and influence of each chakra. This clear map provides a key to healing another delicious challenge we often face – any separation or split that may exist between our inner being and our outer world of activity.

The Truth About Burnout
There is currently a lot of buzz around the challenge of burnout these days.  Burnout is in fact, a trauma response. The seeds of burnout were germinating long before you began to recognize it as an adult. However becoming aware of unhealthy assumptions and conclusions that have guided your life, you begin to have true agency over your life, your schedule and things you can say yes to and things you can say no to. Most burnout programs don’t examine the true origins of burnout for both men and women, they only supply self care processes and symptom management.This module supports you in putting your tits back in your blouse and saving the milk for yourself – metaphorically speaking of course.

Living in the Gap
Waiting for a dream to come true can feel lonely, scary and isolating. Moving from point A to point B can leave us in a gap wondering if we’ll ever get there. But at the heart of every gap is a “reckoning” which when faced and dealt with, reveals to us how the gap turned out to be a gift. As an Elder, I have navigated this unique challenge several times in my life, and ALWAYS found my way to point B. So for 35 years I have helped many clients arrive at point B after Releasing the obstacles and barriers that were in their way.

Level 2 Details:

  • Next course starts To Be Announced!
  • Prerequisite: Level 1

Cost: $3000

Why would I need to do Level 2? 
A part of being human means that there are always going to be challenges that we need to navigate. It is just simply the nature of the human experience. It will always be this way.
But with each delicious challenge comes an invitation to heal past hurts and traumas, thus becoming truly empowered in the here and now.
Level 2 is available to graduates of Level 1 who wish to continue their journey of gracefully navigating through their challenges – in a safe and supportive community of cohorts. As with your experience in Level 1, you will be able to lean into, learn from and grow with your fellow cohorts. In this space, you see yourselves mirrored in each other and share in the healing process because healing rarely happens alone. It goes much deeper in the presence of like-minded and like-hearted souls.
Level 2 offers a deeper dive into the Alchemical Process of Navigating the Delicious Challenge of Being Human
Similar to the format of Level 1, Level 2 offers
12 group sessions, meeting every other week.
You will also have 6 Private Sessions with Voge, meeting once a month
Cost: $3000
Voge Smith

Voge Smith – We long for something that is psychologically honest and metaphysically true; that points us towards an acceptance of who we are and makes sense of all we have been through. Voge is the award winning author of I Release! Create the Life That Makes Your Heart Sing. A gifted Mentor, Trauma Alchemist and Therapist for the past 35 years, Voge helps clients navigate the delicious challenge of life, with her online course I Release! – The Course, private sessions The Releasing Process and her blog: Notes from the Field.

Real Results from Real People

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The Delicious Challenge of Being Human