Sessions in Santa Barbara

For years I have stood in this intention for myself and my clients:
 “There is no pain in your life that cannot be relieved, no incident in your life from which you were never meant to heal, no heartache so great you cannot be free of its grip, no lack that cannot be replaced by unlimited abundance and no emptiness so deep that it cannot be filled by Divine Love. “
Twenty-five years later I continue to say the same thing. From years of working on myself and facilitating others, I’ve learned that we don’t need to feel defeated by life’s challenges. I offer a way, through the Releasing Process, for you to see everything that happens to us, gives us more that it takes from us. There is a way to become neutral.

Bring what you’ve got. Release what you will. Love what it all brings.
Voge Smith
I will be in Santa Barbara May 18 – 20
To schedule a session call: 415.328.0669 or
These sessions fill up fast so to get on the schedule please call by May 13
Cost: $140
Voge’s direct approach combines extraordinary compassion and good humor. She brings to light the hidden influences that are affecting your life and hindering the outcomes you desire. One session with her is like 10 years of traditional therapy.
Angela Willson
The Releasing Process is not your typical healing therapy, and Voge is not your typical therapist. She instantly gets to the core of your issues that have so many clients leaving her office saying, “You nailed it!”
Jeff King
 Voge Smith is a pioneer in her field.  She guides you in the most profound and beautiful way to open, release, and heal.  I am truly grateful for the blessing of her work in my life.” 
Cheri Clampett
Co-author of The Therapeutic Yoga Kit

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The Delicious Challenge of Being Human