Fear of Making a Bold Move

Last week I had the honor of working with a group of people who had formed a book club where they supported one another in working through all of the processes in our book; I Release! Create the Life That Makes Your Heart Sing. It was started a year ago by a woman who attended […]

Walking the Camino – While Sheltering in Place

Many of us reach a point when we feel our life has lost it’s meaning. We may even feel out of control. Perhaps we get hints of something beckoning us,  but we are so immersed and invested in the status quo of our life that we manage to ignore the whispers from our heart saying […]

The Warmth of the Herd – Part 2: The Cost

There is a price for everything. Whether we eat one slice of chocolate cake or if we eat the whole cake. With cake, the cost is in pounds. On the other hand if we find ourselves isolated or lonely, the cost of risking, reaching out, may be opening our hearts from years of it being […]

Beyond the Warmth of the Herd

  We are born wired for both attachment and authenticity. As children, this often requires us to compromise our authenticity so we can remain attached, connected to our source of love, nourishment and safety. We do this because as dependent children our well-being – even our life can depend upon it. As adults however, we […]

The 3 Worst Sentences You Don’t Want To Hear Or Say

Take a breath and imagine someone saying to you: “You shouldn’t feel that way.” “You’re too sensitive.” “Get over it.” Feel what happens inside when these words hit you. These are three of the most powerful sentences you can hear from someone – especially a person who supposedly loves you – when you are sharing […]

Call A Plumber

With a raised voice my therapist reminded me, ” But he drove drunk, he put your life in danger!” This was in response to me brushing her off by saying, “But everyone drove drunk back then!” She persisted saying, “But because of your father’s irresponsibility, you now are missing a leg.” I began to feel the […]

Every Wound Has It’s Own Logic

We are impacted by one another in ways that are more common place than mystical. So much happens to us when we are in the presence of another human being that goes unacknowledged. The exchange of energy that was once relegated to the metaphysical is now easily explained through the scientific evidence of how hormones […]

Cock-a-doodle-do: The Rooster’s Wake Up Call

Today we transition from the Year of the Monkey, to the Year of the Rooster. You may be experiencing the last lash of the monkey’s tail as it departs 2016. The monkey, the merry prankster left many of us with the feeling of being punked personally and globally. Entering the new year we take an inhale.  […]

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The Delicious Challenge of Being Human