Sessions in Santa Barbara

Voge Smith

For years I have stood in this intention for myself and my clients:  “There is no pain in your life that cannot be relieved, no incident in your life from which you were never meant to heal, no heartache so great you cannot be free of its grip, no lack that cannot be replaced by […]

There Must be a Pony

The first time I heard it sung was in my living room. We gathered around our black and white set to see the first black man in America with his own TV show. When Nat King Cole walked on stage his face was compelling to look at. I could not take my eyes off of […]

A Furnace for Your Love

The Furnace      I have been touched by your emails telling me how enriched and inspired you have been by the Bedroom, Match conversation/blog. After the first blog about the Bedroom I received many emails saying, “That’s me! Thank you so much. You gave me such an understanding of myself!” However many of the […]

Part 2: The Match

“Why do you build me up, Buttercup baby Just to let me down and mess me around And then worst of all you never call, baby when you say will, but I love you still I need you more than anyone, darlin’ You know that I have from the start So build me up Buttercup, […]

What Type Are You? The Bedroom, The Match or The Furnace?

Part 1: The Bedroom “Between us and freedom is a 10 minute sweaty palm conversation.” Every couple that walks into my office for a session has varying degrees of willingness to have that sweaty palm conversation. However they arrive, sometimes dragged by their partner, sometimes at their wits end or not knowing where else to […]

Synchronicity, Ingrid Bergman and Me

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” ~ Albert Einstein “Synchronicity is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” ~ me We live in a world where we are constantly seduced by the illusion that we are separate from Existence and each other, instead of the deeper reality that in fact we are One. We find ourselves […]

The Transformational Power of Our Stories

When I was a little girl I would often say to my mother; “Tell me a story.” Not read me a story. I wanted her to tell me a story. Back then I couldn’t tell you what motivated me to ask this of her, but If I were to try and pinpoint a motivation now, […]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! “We are tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. For some strange reason I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I […]

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The Delicious Challenge of Being Human