The Hidden No We All Have

Voge Smith I Release

In the previous post I spoke about our hidden ‘no.’ This quote by Michael Port expresses exquisitely the impact of our hidden ‘no’. It is a concept that can be difficult to grasp. When people hear they have a hidden ‘no’, it can sound to them like an undiagnosed illness, making them shy about uncovering […]

2022 – An Invitation!

Voge Smith I Release

The champagne has been popped, the ball in Times Square has dropped, the noisemakers that rang in the New Year are now quiet, and we sit in these first few days of 2022 contemplating the gift of a New Year! After the turmoil of what we have lived through these past 2 years, do we […]

Grant’s Statue Was Not the Only Thing to Topple in the Park

The San Francisco Chronicle is part of our Sunday morning ritual, with breakfast on the deck in nice weather. Nice weather means taking our bikes to Golden Gate Park because no cars are allowed there on Sundays. This Sunday the Chronicle was filled with tales and photos of statues toppled or painted by protesters. As […]

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