Talk to Strangers
Talk to Strangers My most precious moments of the week are my Sunday mornings on our back deck with the New York Times and the

The Big Lie
I did not know what to expect as I approached the Victorian building finding my way into Neal’s office. I was there for an interview with a Rolfer Bodyworker to see if we were a fit to work together. Wearing a prosthetic on my left leg since I was nine years old, I was told I would have to learn how to live with chronic back pain. Now at 24 I had, had enough of the pain and sought out Rolfing as a possible solution.
Well, I can’t say that Neal had me at hello, but what he said to me ten minutes in had me ready to sign up right then and there. He said, “ Part of what contributes to your pain, is there is an imbalance between your left and right sides. You’ve relied on your right side to hold you up, you’ve relied on your masculine to support you, to balance you.”
“What, I have a masculine and feminine side?” In that moment I was given an understanding about myself I didn’t even know I needed. Twelve weeks and twelve Rolfing Sessions later, Neal had gracefully and lovingly opened me up on the left side of my body, into my feminine. Thus began my journey towards softening and trusting my feminine to support me.
Growing up, I did not have a mother or sister that made me feel safe, that instilled in me a trust of the feminine aspect as a safe place to lean into. Having to learn to do this for myself added tremendously to the Elder Wisdom I share now with younger women as their over reliance on the inner and outer masculine has reached a boiling point with many of them, creating burnout from thinking and believing they need to rely on the masculine in order to be successful.
If you are a women reading this, you may be questioning, how would I even know what is true for me? Is it possible that I have an over reliance on masculine energy?
The following observations and conclusions are based on my over 35 years as a therapist, so allow me help you get clear on what I mean.
First of all, if you have an over reliance on masculine energy, then you are enrolled in something of which you may not even be aware. I call it the The Big Lie. In just one sentence, here is what the Big Lie is:

What Will Not Happen in I Release! – The Course
In a world full of ‘how to’ books, programs, coaching and workshops… I Release! – The Course is not any of those. I Release! –

Your Pain, Your Heartache, Your Lack, Your Emptiness, Are All Working as Agents for Your Liberation
There is no pain in your life that cannot be relieved, no incident in your life from which you were never meant to heal, no

Every Obstacle to Your Heart’s Desire is Rooted in a Wound from Your Past
I am often asked why I see the value of going into our past to understand or succeed in what we are trying to create

Love Brings Up Everything That is in the Way of Love to be Healed
In my first few years of being married to my husband Hugh, I found myself saying this phrase quite often, especially in the newlywed phase.

The Hidden No We All Have
In the previous post I spoke about our hidden ‘no.’ This quote by Michael Port expresses exquisitely the impact of our hidden ‘no’. It is

2022 – An Invitation!
The champagne has been popped, the ball in Times Square has dropped, the noisemakers that rang in the New Year are now quiet, and we

Hindrance #12 – Being Dual Intentioned
I’ve always been the kind of person who gets to the bottom of things. It is what I am known for. Hugh calls me a

Fear of Making a Bold Move
Last week I had the honor of working with a group of people who had formed a book club where they supported one another in

Grant’s Statue Was Not the Only Thing to Topple in the Park
The San Francisco Chronicle is part of our Sunday morning ritual, with breakfast on the deck in nice weather. Nice weather means taking our bikes

Walking the Camino – While Sheltering in Place
Many of us reach a point when we feel our life has lost it’s meaning. We may even feel out of control. Perhaps we get

The Evolution of Women as Breadwinner or How I learned to Make Bread!
I have been witnessing something in my practice that I feel represents a bigger trend that is happening in the culture. It started off gradually

The Warmth of the Herd – Part 2: The Cost
There is a price for everything. Whether we eat one slice of chocolate cake or if we eat the whole cake. With cake, the cost

Beyond the Warmth of the Herd
We are born wired for both attachment and authenticity. As children, this often requires us to compromise our authenticity so we can remain attached,

The 3 Worst Sentences You Don’t Want To Hear Or Say
Take a breath and imagine someone saying to you: “You shouldn’t feel that way.” “You’re too sensitive.” “Get over it.” Feel what happens inside when

Call A Plumber
With a raised voice my therapist reminded me, ” But he drove drunk, he put your life in danger!” This was in response to me

Every Wound Has It’s Own Logic
We are impacted by one another in ways that are more common place than mystical. So much happens to us when we are in the

Cock-a-doodle-do: The Rooster’s Wake Up Call
Today we transition from the Year of the Monkey, to the Year of the Rooster. You may be experiencing the last lash of the monkey’s tail

2020: An Invitation to Boldly Go Where You Have Not Gone Before!
Each day in my office I’m honored to have a front row seat to the challenges of what it means to be human. For so